Ancestral Programs:
Energy and imbalances passed down through the DNA from our ancestors. Many imbalances can be hidden there; food and chemical sensitivities, predispositions to sickness, and ultimately the illusion of separation from Source. Clearing these imbalances allows for "crystalline DNA" to be reactivated.
Atlantean Healing Energy: Healing energy, similar to Reiki, but much older. This form of healing energy originated in Atlantis and was used by dedicated priestesses of the time. The Keys to Freedom system has been gifted this energy by Archangels, who work with your practitioner to deliver this powerful healing energy just where it is needed the most.
Audio Suggestion: An energy form stuck in the spirit body. These are made of repeating sound and are formed when a living human or spirit speaks unkindly to you with the intention to control or scare you. These are not subliminal- but the subconscious mind hears them nonetheless. Can cause anxiety, lack of focus, and raise fear frequencies in the body, bringing the immune system down in the process.
Aura Fragmentation: Holes in the aura caused by stress or emotional trauma. These missing fragments can increase likelihood of entity attachments. Note: The healing of this imbalance is known as "soul retrieval" in the shaman communities.
Auric Box: An energetic imbalance of the aura formed by feelings of sadness. The imbalance resembles a box or container and surrounds the aura. It repels positive energy or helpful energy with a frequency of hopelessness. If this imbalance could talk, it would say, "What does it matter? Nothing will make me feel better."
Auric Rocks: The energy of anger placed unintentionally into the aura by another person. Lowers immune system and increases anxiety.
Auric Warriors: Energy in the aura put there subconsciously by yourself (as a protective gesture). This energy moves inside the aura and can resemble human or animal fighters. This imbalance does not protect you in any way, despite the effort of your subconscious. Lowers immune system function, lowers vibrations and throws out frequencies of anger.
Auric Weapon: Negative energy in the aura put there subconsciously by yourself (as a protective gesture) or someone else. Often resembles a physical weapon such as a knife, gun etc.
Banishing Wind: An imbalance unintentionally created by the subconscious mind in an attempt to literally "blow away" energies of emotional pain and heartache. It does not help at all, however, and instead -can cause feelings of anger, resentment, bitterness, or irritation, especially as it does not leave your energy field unless removed.
Black Energy Mass: A very low vibration energy in the body. Lowers immune system and can increase pain and anxiety.
Blessing: Your practitioner has placed an angelic blessing on your body/spirit, car, or home and property. This helps keep negative energy and spirits away and keeps unwanted energy cords from forming without your consent.
Cellular Healing: Your higher self and subconscious has requested healing angelic and Reiki energy to be delivered to the cells of the body. This energy has been placed for you.
Chakra Cracks: Energetic damage to the chakras-in the form of cracks. Hinders proper function of the chakra/s.
Chemical/toxin-related imbalances: Energetic imbalances (usually of a wide range) which are putting a strain on the body. These un-named imbalances have formed as a result of introduction of chemicals to the body, whether though food, air or injection.
Cloak of Shame: A subliminal imbalance formed as a reaction to emotional or physical abuse from another person. This imbalance holds the frequency of shame, causing blocks to abundance, and making it much harder to repair a damaged self-image or self-esteem.
Cloud of Resentment: An imbalance found in the biofield/energy field. Formed by feelings of resentment. Lowers your frequency and immune system. Can get in the way of relationships with others and can sometimes be the cause of an "unpleasant nature" in general, depending on how large it is. Can amplify feelings of impatience, irritability, hopelessness, anger, and depression.
Concealed cord: An energetic cord leading to a spirit attachment. This cord is different than regular cords, in that it was created by an older dark spirit (inhuman), who is skilled enough to know how to conceal it from the subconscious mind and anyone able to sense energy cords. The cord can be attached to either a dark spirit (which gains energy from the human) or to earthbound spirits (attached to the human by the dark spirit). When this imbalance is removed, the cord and whatever is attached to it-are removed as well.
Confidence Block: An energetic block to feeling confident.
Cosmic energies: These are imbalances that are beyond our understanding as humans, but need cleared with the Archangels' help.
Creative blocks: Energetic blocks to creativity.
Curse: Energetic “bad luck” in the aura formed by the subconscious and caused by negative thinking such as “Nothing ever goes right for me.” Curses can also be placed in the aura by other people intentionally or by dark spirits.
Despair Binder: Connected by energetic cords to the heart chakra, Despair Binders keep you "bound" to feelings of despair.
Dislodged Spirit: Sometimes the spirit body can be bumped out of the physical body by a few inches or more as a result of physical or energetic trauma, astral travel or dreamwalking.
DNA Blocks: Releasing these blocks helps the body adjust to the changing frequency of the Earth, and prepares us for knowledge given to us by The Source/Spirit.
DNA Programs: Imbalances within the DNA. These can affect a vast variety of issues.
Dream Screens: An energetic imbalance in the spirit body created by feelings of grief, sadness or depression. These imbalances can keep us from experiencing emotionally healing dreams while asleep.
Electrical Barriers: An energetic imbalance causing disruption of electrical signals between cells and organs.
Emotional Bricks: The energy of emotional pain unintentionally taken into the aura from another living being. The energy is black and can resemble bricks. Can vary in size from microscopic to 3 feet.
Emotional Heart Shock: The heart is a powerful producer and transmitter of energy. When people we care about feel and act with hatred or great anger toward you-while within your aura space, the heart absorbs these emotions, and goes into energetic and emotional shock. The heart attempts to transmute these emotionally-charged energies, but fails, resulting in waves of intense shock damage to the body; its organs, tissues and systems. The subconscious immediately responds to this crisis by shoving these damaging shock frequencies down into subconscious boxes as fast as it can, but even a few seconds of this frequency can cause tremendous damage to the body, including causing the body systems and organs to malfunction; behaving in ways that aren’t normal. If you have this imbalance, I suggest removing it regularly and daily if possible. The body needs time to repair extensive damage, so be consistent. Another thing to note: As with all energy and energetic imbalances, similar energies are drawn to and respond to each other, so even if someone has energetic seals, and this hatred and anger situation were to happen again, and even though new emotional heart shock cannot stick, the EHS already residing in the body-will activate and respond to the hatred/anger frequencies coming in-and the imbalance will need to be quickly silenced/calmed by the subconscious. Unfortunately, during the time it takes the subconscious to calm it down, the imbalance has done more damage. Because of this, it is important to keep your distance from anger and hatred-filled individuals, especially within your aura space.
Emotional Scars: A cluster of stuck emotional energy (stuck emotions) from an emotionally painful experience. Each cluster contains emotions specific to one event. This energy mass can form anywhere in the body, increasing chances of health issues in that area. Emotional scars are much like an "emotional imprint" of a past event. Removing this imbalance can help one move forward into forgiveness and letting go.
Emotional Vibration: A stuck emotion that is vibrating.
Empathetic Sludge: An imbalance of the heart chakra-usually found in highly empathetic people and animals or "empaths". The imbalance is essentially the emotional pain and suffering taken in from other people or animals. This harmful energy builds up over time and can damage physical and emotional health. Archangels have placed an "energetic valve" on the heart chakra to allow this sludge to empty on it's own. In the meantime, it is a good idea to have this imbalance removed on a regular basis through sessions until it is gone.
Energetic Anomaly: Unidentified negative energy in the aura, spirit or body.
Energetic Discomfort: Energy from toxins, carried in the blood, urine, and lymphatic system. This is toxic energy from food and chemicals and physical and emotional pain.
The imbalance releases slowly on its own through sweating and urination, but unfortunately, more is built up faster than it can be released this way. Can cause physical and emotional discomfort.
Energetic Disks: The higher self requests that energetic disks be placed into the aura to help with healing and strength. Archangels have done this for you.
Energetic Duplication: An imbalance formed in the energy field as a reaction to being in the physical proximity of a strong/powerful imbalance in another person or animal. For example: Person 1 spends a lot of time with person 2, who suffers from extreme "energetic fear" (a KTF imbalance). One day, person 1 starts to develop this same energetic imbalance in themselves, when previously there was little to none. This imbalance is purely energetic and does not involve subliminal imbalances.
By removing this imbalance, you essentially remove many kinds of imbalances from exposure to others. This imbalance would be great to focus on for helping to heal from a traumatic association with someone negative or very ill as a result of imbalances.
Energetic Fear: An imbalance of the energy field, making us susceptible to feelings of fear.
Energetic Human Dirt: An energetic imbalance affecting the consciousness, causing feelings of discomfort, inability to focus, disorganization of thoughts, insomnia, and forgetfulness. EHD is formed by social or physical contact with another human who is very angry, hate-filled, or deeply-depressed. Often this imbalance can be felt by not only-a sudden lack of focus, but also by a feeling of being "dirty" or "unclean". This imbalance should be removed on a regular basis if you are experiencing a consistent inability to focus.
Energetic Intolerance: Intolerance: An energetic intolerance to food, airborne allergens, or toxins/chemicals.
Energetic Residue: Energetic "sludge" left over from imbalances, much like dirt at the bottom of a bathtub.
Energetic Stagnancy: An imbalance of the energy field formed as a result of insufficient physical activity --not exercise, but movement in general. We are meant to travel often, even if only a couple miles from home. This movement keeps our energy field healthy. This imbalance can cause feelings of melancholy, listlessness, and lack of motivation.
Energetic Sadness: An imbalance of the energy field, making us susceptible to feelings of sadness.
Energetic Technology damage: Energetic damage caused by EMF and radiation from electronics. Always comes out gradually like most other imbalances..
Energetic Trauma: Remaining, stuck energy from a physical injury.
Energetic Seals: Your higher self/soul requested that energetic seals be placed into your aura to stop new imbalances from forming. Archangels have placed these for you. Older imbalances will still be able to surface for release when the body is ready.
Event-in-Time Mix-Up: An subconscious memory imbalance of the order of past events. Example: Seeing a past event as being ahead of you.
Exhaustion of Spirit: A state of exhaustion felt by the spirit body as a result of carrying the energetic and emotional weight of so many imbalances. Can add to feelings of physical exhaustion as well.
Exit Doors: Archangels have, per request of your higher self, placed 7 energetic "exit doors" into your energy field/aura. This enables the subconscious mind to remove imbalances on it's own. The Exit Doors can help speed up the healing process, but it is absolutely vital to continue doing sessions, as over half of our most harmful imbalances are hidden or stuck. The subconscious mind cannot remove them without help, and your practitioner has been trained to help with this process.
Family DNA Debris: Energetic debris filling the spaces between DNA strands. This is energy that has passed through the aura of another person, who is suffering. It builds up this energy in itself until it comes into the aura of another person who is suffering. Instead of passing through, it then moves into the spaces around the DNA-if the DNA carries ancestral DNA programs of suffering. If the person shares similar DNA with others (family), the imbalance then appears in anyone related to this person. Removing this imbalance also clears it from relatives and can cause other imbalances in hiding-to suddenly surface.
Fear of the Future: An energetic imbalance caused by fear or worry about the future or unforeseen events. This imbalance increases tendency toward fear and worry, and tends to settle mainly in the colon and small intestine, which can affect proper function of these organs.
Fog of Hopelessness: An imbalance formed by feelings of hopelessness. It floats inside and around the spirit body, attracting the same types of hopeless emotions and energies to the person, including other "hopeless-feeling people". Can worsen or even cause depression.
Force of Chaos: A very powerful imbalance carrying energies of chaos and bad luck. Can effect electronics, your mood and those around you (anger, frustration, helplessness). In extreme cases, this imbalance may even carry such forceful energy as to cause objects around the person to shake or fly off surfaces. Can be mistaken for a spirit or poltergeist activity.
Force of Hatred: An energetic imbalance caused by absorbing frequencies of hatred from other people (not necessarily directed at you). This imbalance does damage to the body, its organs and systems.
Fungal Residue: Energetic/spirit residue occasionally left behind after an organism (mold) dies off. It is the job of nature spirits to disperse this energy when they come across it, but of course, they cannot locate all of them. Once the living part of the organism dies, the residue energy, if unable to recycle or disperse itself--starts to move, drifting along in the air until it comes across a living fungal organism. Instantly attracted, it moves into the organism, becoming part of it energetically. It's choice of host can be a growing patch of mold outdoors, indoors; on living or inanimate objects, or even people and animals with fungal infections, or who carry high levels of candida* in parts of the body. The presence of this imbalance increases symptoms and growth of the the existing fungal matter. If it moves into a living body, the area of the body infected with fungus or candida, gets much worse.
*Candida is a type of yeast bacteria that lives in the gut in small amounts. 11% is a healthy percentage. We are meant to have this in our bodies, as it helps the body decompose naturally and effectively after death. The higher percentage of candida in the gut and body, the higher the risk to our health, resulting on a variety of symptoms including chronic yeast infections, brain fog, food cravings, aching in bones and muscles, food allergies, and inflammation (among many others). The causes of candida overgrowth are: consumption of large and regular amounts of sugar, bread, yeast, milk, and cheese.
Goal Block: An energetic block causing a subconscious belief that all paths are blocked to what one wishes to accomplish.
Grasp of Control: An energetic imbalance caused by the will of another person trying to control you. This energy has a devaluing effect on the controlled person, lowering their sense of self-worth and value in the world, and making it much harder to appreciate and enjoy the good things in life. Another side effect of this imbalance is how it affects the body; in some cases causing the body to create watery fat in attempt to buffer incoming controlling energies.
Grip of Fear: A powerful imbalance created by an older dark spirit. The imbalance grips tightly to the spirit body and causes fear in many areas of your life-such as fear of dying, fear of taking risks, fear of people, failure, new situations, and the unknown.
Happiness Block: An energetic block to happiness.
Heartache Walls: An energetic wall (can be made of anything-brick, steel, water, fog etc.) placed into the energy field by the subconscious mind as a reaction to someone causing you a great deal of heartache. It does not surround you, but literally stands between you and the person your subconscious mind created it against. It's done as a protective gesture but really does no good at all. The wall keeps you from healing from and moving past what this person has done to cause you pain and is a constant reminder to the subconscious mind. Lowers immune system.
Heart Box: Energy made up of stuck emotions surrounding the heart. These boxes block abundance in your life (love, luck and success) and often cause feelings of insecurity, fear of the future and other people.
Heart Chakra Box: Energy made up of stuck emotions surrounding the heart chakra. These have the same affect as Heart Boxes but to a lesser degree. They also make it harder to stop negative habits and behavior.
Help Block: An energetic block to being helped by others. This can also block the results of being helped in all areas, including energetically.
Implant: A tiny device under the skin, no bigger than a grain of rice. Approximately 42% of humans have them. There are two races of low vibe extraterrestrials that install these. Mainly used as a "tag" to keep track of which humans have been inspected. Most inspections or "body scans" happen while asleep and still in bed. If the human doesn't have a genetic marker of interest, they are simply "tagged" and left alone. These beings see themselves as "kindly scientists" and believe they are helping humans, though this can argued against obviously.
Imbalance Relocation: Your practitioner has discovered imbalances related to an issue, that are so large in number, as to be very time-consuming to remove. Remember that the body and mind cannot make repairs while burdened with imbalances connected to the issue.
The practitioner has asked your higher self if the emotional and physical discomfort of the issue outweighs the benefits of removing all the related imbalances over a long period of time. If it is determined that the imbalances would best be relocated to ease suffering, then this process is facilitated and your higher self and subconscious mind have now begun moving these harmful imbalances down to one of your very bottom, hidden subconscious boxes. By doing so, this reduces the power of these imbalances to hurt you--by 75 to 99% (what an amazing thing-our subconscious!). The removal of imbalances through consistent and long-term work makes us strong emotionally and physically. If at any point, the "relocated imbalances" become ready to be removed with relative ease, then they will be. If not, then they will remain safely tucked away in these lower boxes for your remaining years.
Impression of Rage: An energetic impression of rage left in the aura by a person being very angry in your presence. This energy normally dissipates, but if this rage causes a fear reaction in the observer, the rage can become trapped in the auric field.
Can make one susceptible to fear-based energies and imbalances, and can make it harder to heal from PTSD and trauma.
Life Path Blinders: An energetic imbalance caused by emotional suffering. These imbalances make it harder to hear guidance from the higher self, ultimately making it more difficult to reach your life plan goals created by you before coming to this planet.
Love Block: Energetic blocks that interfere with the ability to give love and receive love.
Luck Block: An energetic block to luck.
Lymphatic Blocks: Energetic blocks of the lymphatic system. This block may also come up when blocks to the health in general need cleared.
Metabolic Block Transfer: An energetic imbalance that negatively affects the metabolism, and is passed on from the mother to the fetus while in utero. This imbalance can hinder proper digestion and body weight.
Metabolism Glitch: An energetic imbalance that affects the functionality of the metabolism.
Miasma of Fear: Located in the spirit body. Caused by feelings of fear from environmental situations. Emotions of fear can literally change the "atmosphere" of your spirit body. This imbalance can make you susceptible to feelings of panic, anxiety, and fear in general.
Mislabeled Toxin: An energetic imbalance of the immune system, causing consumed food or drink, regardless of how healthy it is, to be mislabeled as toxic to the body. The body then reacts to the food or drink with any of the following: abdominal cramps, rashes, boils, hives, blisters, itching, burning, etc., or pain in the organs, the general body or a specific body part.
Another way the immune system and body can react is by quickly turning the consumed food or drink into a watery fat, which is then stored ON the body rather than absorbed INTO the body. This is a protective reaction, and results in fast and heavy weight gain overnight, regardless of food quality or quantity.
Susceptibility to this imbalance, and probability of development is strictly inherited through the DNA.
Nightmare Residue: Energetic residue left over from negative emotions felt while experiencing unpleasant dreams. This imbalance makes it more likely that you will experience the same type of dreams.
No Will to Live: A subconscious block formed in the mind by deep depression. This block can make it hard to enjoy life and harder for the body to heal.
No Will to Love: An energetic block to the desire to give and receive love.
Organ Imbalance: Energetic imbalance of the organs.
Past Life Cord: An energetic cord connecting you to a past life. These connections are formed when incarnating and are necessary for a time to help make good life path choices but become a hindrance later on.
Pit of Despair: An energetic imbalance caused by excessive feelings of sadness, depression and despair. POD causes major blocks to abundance, achieving goals and motivation.
PTSD Switch: An energetic impression of a trauma actively moving inside the energy field. As a result, the subconscious mind sees these events as still happening.
Psychic Block: An energy block to intuitive abilities or psychic gifts.
Repeating Pattern: A layered ball of negative energy located in the aura. The first layer forms as a result of a traumatic or stressful event and emits the frequencies of the event. Since similar frequencies are attracted to each other, the ball then makes it more likely that you will attract similar situations, events or people into your life. Each time this happens, a new layer forms over the ball, making it more powerful.
This imbalance is often mistaken for "karmic loops" or "karmic patterns" but is instead, simply energetic and can be removed layer by layer.
Repressive Vortex: An imbalance of the energy field formed by strong feelings of fear, guilt and shame. This imbalance causes that "heart-pounding, stomach-sinking sensation" one gets when realizing they might have done something deeply embarrassing or wrong in some way. Repressive vortex is especially hard on the organs and cells of the body, as it's frequency is a potent mixture of fear and shame--the two lowest frequencies in the multiverse.
Residual Fragment: "Energetic sludge" of each others' imbalances. These are formed by emotional or sexual intimacy between two people.
Resistance to Color: Energetic resistance to a color, causing a lowering of your vibration.
Resistance to Change: This is an energetic resistance to new or misunderstood ideas or positive change. This imbalance also gets in the way of receiving upgrades and informational downloads from your high-vibrational guides and angels while sleeping or resting.
Sacral Chakra Debris: Energetic debris formed above the sacral chakra. This imbalance can throw the chakra out of alignment and increase the desire to replace physical and emotional needs with food or alcohol.
Self-Worth Block: An energetic block to feelings of self worth.
Sense of Doom: An imbalance of the aura, formed by hearing or reading about authority figures or people you respect-speak of terrible things to come. This imbalance lowers your frequency and can increase feelings of fear and panic. It also attracts fear-based energies and imbalances into the aura and energy field.
Shackle of Control: An energetic form most often resembling an iron shackle/manacle. Can be anywhere on the body. This is placed by the subconscious mind of someone wanting to control the individual. The shackle causes feelings of anxiety and submissiveness, lowers courage and literally makes it much harder to get away physically and energetically from the controlling person.
Sole Barrier: An imbalance created by the subconscious mind in an attempt to protect us from negative energies coming in through the soles of our feet. In reality, this attempt doesn't protect us at all, but instead- creates a horizontal wall of sorts, which blocks us from receiving mother Earth's healing, negative ions through the soles of our feet. The imbalance also gets in the way of any negative energy the earth is capable of pulling from us.
Sound Sphere: An energetic sphere around the heart formed by feelings of fear or by being badly startled. These spheres are made of sound. They form in less than a second and trap surface and stuck emotions (mostly fear and panic) under them. They put an energetic strain on the heart and can increase feelings of fear and panic.
Spirit Body Glitch: An electrical imbalance of the spirit body caused by stress. Can cause feelings of agitation and an inability to rest properly.
Spiritual Blocks: Energetic blocks to all things of a spiritual nature.
Spiritual Smog: Located in the aura, and caused by exposure to negative energy in the environment, this imbalance gets in the way of connection to Spirit (God, angels, the source, guides, the collective consciousness etc.)
Stress Energy: The energy of stress in the body. Harmful to the immune system.
Stress Wall: An energetic wall (can be made of anything-brick, steel, water, fog etc.) placed into the energy field by the subconscious mind as a reaction to someone causing you a great deal of stress. It does not surround you, but literally stands between you and the person your subconscious mind created it against. It's done as a protective gesture but really does no good at all. The wall keeps you from healing from and moving past what this person has done to cause you stress and is a constant reminder to the subconscious mind. Lowers immune system.
Stuck Emotion: Emotional energy that has become stuck in the body. These stuck emotions put an energetic strain on the immune system, which can cause physical and emotional discomfort and make it much harder for the body to heal itself. And because each emotion vibrates with its own frequency, a person is more likely to feel the same emotions more frequently as ones that are already stuck.
Subconscious Emotions: Stuck emotional energy originating from and felt by the subconscious mind, as opposed to the conscious, heart-centered emotions we are familiar with. The subconscious has an "emotional mind of its own" and these stuck emotions come from subconscious feelings of frustration and sadness as a result of dealing with such large amounts of energetic imbalances.
Where regular stuck emotions become lodged in the body and spirit body, subconscious stuck emotions gather in the auric field/aura.
Subliminal Addiction: A subliminal imbalance caused by emotional stress, which increases tendencies toward addiction to habits and activities.
Subliminal Aversion: When we have a belief that something is bad or isn’t good for us, the subconscious mind tries to support this by forming a subconscious and energetic aversion to this “thing or idea”. Then when you interact with this aversion, it can result in feeling off, angry, not well and even physically ill.
Subliminal Announcement: A subconscious phrase that is “stuck on repeat” in the mind. These form as a result of negative thoughts. Examples are: “I have the worst luck.” “My life sucks.” “I am unlovable.” The harm of these remaining in the mind is that subconscious and conscious thoughts help create your daily reality. Keep your thoughts peaceful, hopeful and loving.
Subliminal Box: (See "Subliminal Container")
Subliminal Container: A subliminal container created by the subconscious mind in an attempt to protect us from the harmful affects of some imbalances. The subconscious creates these containers within it's subconscious boxes and then stuffs imbalances into them, lowering their power by up to 75%.
Subliminal Entities: An energetic replica of a person, being or monster, accidentally created by the subconscious mind while dreaming or sometimes while awake (Over 75% of the population have at least some of this imbalance). The sub mind then panics and shoves the entity into a lower box of the subconscious mind in an attempt to hide and weaken the entity. The entities take on a sort of "borrowed intelligence" from the subconscious mind upon creation and because of this, they can come out of the lower boxes at will. These entities cannot be seen or heard by the person who made them, unless they are psychic or sensitive to energy. For non-sensitive people, the entities can cause anxiety and paranoia. For sensitive people or people who can see energy, the entity will appear as real as any ghost or spirit and can cause much anxiety and fear, especially if the entity talks to them or touches them. The amount of entities vary with each person, so it is highly recommended to continue sessions until all of them are removed, or at least under control enough to live a somewhat "normal life". Another thing to note is that subliminal entities can be replicas of creatures or people in dreams OR they can be copies of whatever is around the person while asleep (the sub mind senses energy within a 123 ft radius), so the replicas/subliminal entities can be people you know, pets, dark spirits, guides, nature spirits, or even inanimate objects. Subliminal entities can sometimes attach themselves to organs or chakras, impairing their function.
Subliminal Implant: A subliminal suggestion placed into the subconscious mind through music or t.v.
Subliminal Impression: A feeling of fear (felt by the conscious or subconscious mind) etched into the subconscious mind.
Subliminal Photo: A subconscious photo or image of a negative memory or something negative happening to you. These are often formed by worry-filled thoughts.
Subliminal Room: A subliminal room created by the subconscious mind in an attempt to protect us from the harmful affects of some imbalances. The subconscious creates these rooms and then stuffs imbalances into them, lowering their power by up to 75%.
Subliminal Screen: A subconscious "screen"/block placed by the subconscious mind with the intention of hiding subconscious imbalances from the conscious mind. This also hides them from the healer, who is trying to locate them.
Success Block: An energetic block to success.
Tag: Energetic words or drawings stuck to the spirit body by Earthbound or dark spirits. They can be anything from "Bob was here." to "Fear me." to "You are worthless." These words are "read" by our subconscious mind and can cause anxiety, raise fear levels and affect how we view ourselves.
Tracking Pin: A moving, energetic dot placed in the aura by an earthbound or dark spirit. This dot enables the spirit to find you again easily, even when the energy cord is severed. Dark spirits do this intentionally, while Earthbound spirits/ghosts do not-it just happens.
Trauma Cord: An energetic cord linking a person to a past, traumatic experience. These cords can multiple when the person keeps “thinking back” on the event.
Unidentified Block: An unidentified energy block not listed in the cards.
Unintended Beacon: An imbalance in the energy field of a person with a very strong energy field/aura. It is the subconscious mind's attempt at throwing protective, "white light energy" up to protect it's conscious self. Since white light energy can only be formed by the soul's energy and that of high vibe spirit guides and angels, the subconscious mind fails. What is created instead- has quite the opposite effect. The imbalance, which resembles moving, white light-throws out a panicked, victim frequency. If it could speak it would say, "NO! PLEASE! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
This imbalance is extremely attractive to energetic bullies/parasites, also known as "dark spirits", which are soulless beings in the spirit world that feed off suffering, fear and anger.
Unintended beacon is just that-it attracts dark spirits by the droves, alerting them to the fact that here is a human with a very strong energy field-very worth feeding off of. This imbalance should be removed on a regular basis until it is gone.
Weight Bindings: This imbalance is a type of "shackle of control" (listed above). It is a controlling, energetic imbalance placed by the subconscious mind of another person in an attempt to stop someone from either gaining or losing weight. It is not done intentionally by the subconscious mind that created it-but rather as a sudden emotional and uncontrollable reaction to the controller's conscious thoughts. The subconscious mind has a great deal of sympathy for it's conscious "other-half".
Copyright © 2020 Keys to Freedom, Energy Clearing System - All Rights Reserved.
Birdcage Cover Art by Kate (Katerinadot of Fiverr). All Rights Reserved.