I occasionally will hear of concerns from my clients and practitioners who are also spirit mediums.
“Why do I keep getting spirit activity? Why won’t they stay gone?”
A spirit medium is someone who has had experiences with and has sensed and/or seen spirits frequently their entire life. This ability can also be activated after a spiritual awakening.
What you need to understand is that with normal people, a protection blessing and clearing once or twice a year is usually enough. With spirit mediums, it’s different.
Their soul did not throw a die during incarnation and it randomly landed on spirit medium. This path and gift were chosen by your higher self. And it’s always for a reason. At this time in earth's history, it is almost always to help others and to help the earth.
Spiritual protection is something that spirit mediums need to learn VERY well. They must learn to protect themselves, to learn to sense and understand the different types of spirits, how to deal with each type, and also the why of it so that they will develop skills and courage and be prepared to protect themselves and others fast and effectively.
All of this practice and knowledge will also help give you a great sense of confidence and help to develop much needed love for yourself and love for Spirit/The Source/God.
Blessings, clearings, and blessed items help a LOT but will not entirely eliminate spirit activity for the spirit medium. This is because you must learn it yourself. You must practice and master your gifts. The more you do this, the more peaceful your world and your spirit will become.
I have written a lot on the spirit world and have written down some powerful techniques for spiritual protection. Get to know these techniques like the back of your hand and learn to use a blessed pendulum to ask archangels what you need to know about each encounter.
Welcome to Spirit medium academy! Your archangel professors are here to help you any way they can and so am I. ♥️ -Samantha Red Wolf
Please read the following links:
“Fast shortcuts for spiritual protection” https://ghostslikebacon.com/2020/11/29/fast-shortcuts-for-spiritual-protection/
“What are dark spirits?” https://ghostslikebacon.com/2021/05/22/what-are-dark-spirits/
I also recommend reading my books, "Ghosts like Bacon" and "Ghosts like Coffee". These books are real life stories about my spirit medium daughter and myself-as we began to learn about the spirit world and how to protect ourselves.. The books will help lower your fear of the spirit world and help assure you that you are not alone. The first book is available to read for free at www.ghostslikebacon.com
They are available to purchase in book form at www.etsy.com/shop/onewolftwospirits
Blessed pendulums are handy tools for talking to your archangel guides. I sell a few in my shop at this link: www.etsy.com/shop/onewolftwospirits
OR you can bless them yourself. To do this...
Hold the pendulum in your hand and say, "Connect to Archangel Michael. Please place a pendulum blessing for me. Thank you."
Once this is done, be sure to establish what will be a "YES", a "NO" and a "We cannot answer that right now". These can be a left or right circle, forward and backward or left and right. My personal preference is forward and backward for YES, left and right for NO and left circle for "We cannot answer that right now."
If you've had a house blessing from me or done one with help from my blog or books, and you are still experiencing activity, it’s always for two reasons, Either there is something you need to learn about, or that the blessing is getting in the way of events or a plan for your life that your soul has made. Life plans are sacred above anything (since it's the whole reason you came to this planet!) and even archangels can’t get in the way of life plans.
The first reason (and most likely) a house blessing doesn't appear to be working-is that you have a common subconscious imbalance called, "subliminal entities".
From the Keys to Freedom Index:
Subliminal Entities: An energetic replica of a person, being or monster, accidentally created by the subconscious mind while dreaming or sometimes while awake (Over 75% of the population have at least some of this imbalance). The sub mind then panics and shoves the entity into a lower box of the subconscious mind in an attempt to hide and weaken the entity. The entities take on a sort of "borrowed intelligence" from the subconscious mind upon creation and because of this, they can come out of the lower boxes at will. These entities cannot be seen or heard by the person who made them, unless they are psychic, a spirit medium, or sensitive to energy. For non-sensitive people, the entities can cause anxiety and paranoia. For sensitive people or people who can see energy, the entity will appear as real as any ghost or spirit and can cause much anxiety and fear, especially if the entity talks to them or touches them. The amount of entities vary with each person, so it is highly recommended to continue sessions until all of them are removed, or at least under control enough to live a somewhat "normal life". Another thing to note is that subliminal entities can be replicas of creatures or people in dreams OR they can be copies of whatever is around the person while asleep or awake (the sub mind senses energy within a 123 ft radius), so the replicas/subliminal entities can be people you know, pets, dark spirits, guides, nature spirits, or even inanimate objects. Subliminal entities can sometimes attach themselves to organs or chakras, impairing their function.
One of the most powerful tools a spirit medium (or anyone!) can have is a deck my archangel friends and I invented, called, "The Pawsitive Fox". The deck is very fast and extremely easy to use. I recommend using it daily to several times a day. It will change your life! This deck can be purchased here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/980278579/energy-clearing-deck-the-pawsitive-fox?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=pawsitive+fox&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1
If you don't have the deck, the following is a fast and easy technique for removing subliminal entities:
Say out loud OR in your mind,
“Connect to archangel Michael.
Please remove all subliminal entities bothering me. Thank you.”
Then run your fingers up the center of your forehead to remove them. This space is part of the main “power strip” of your energetic body and a great way to remove imbalances and energy cords.
If these techniques don't solve the problem, contact a Keys to Freedom practitioner to see if there is something more you need to learn about. To do this, see the "find a practitioner page" on this website or purchase a "mini session" from my Etsy shop, www.etsy.com/shop/onewolftwospirits and be sure to let me know what you need.
It is very rare that your practitioner will be unable to help you, and in these rare cases, it is always connected to your soul's life plan and events that you must experience, which are vital to your learning and spiritual growth. If this is the case, I would recommend forming a very close friendship with archangels (Michael, Ariel, Gabriel, and Metatron are some of the most active archangels for Earth at this time and can always be trusted to guide. Do your best to let your archangels and higher self guide you, stay consistent with your spiritual protection (fast shortcuts link above), and have faith that everything happens for a reason.
Who knows, maybe the experiences you're going through now are unique and you might one day-be able to help a lot of people from what you have learned! The multiverse is vast, complex and ultimately loving. Rest assured that your life is going according to plan and that you are being watched over, even in the most confusing of experiences.
Copyright © 2020 Keys to Freedom, Energy Clearing System - All Rights Reserved.
Birdcage Cover Art by Kate (Katerinadot of Fiverr). All Rights Reserved.